RSS Flat Roof Classic

Fall protection

RSS Flat Roof Classic

The Flat Roof Classic system is designed for flat roofs and stands out for its simplicity. The system consists of only three components and is lightweight due to its use of high-quality aluminum. Once placed on the roof, the system can also be lifted, allowing work to be done underneath. Only one concrete block per stanchion is required, and the system is easy to fold for transport and storage. 

Application possibilities

In addition to houses with sloping roofs, there are plenty of buildings with flat roofs. Think of garages, commercial buildings, schools, apartment complexes, green (sedum) roofs, hospitals, and other outbuildings. You want to be able to work safely on those roofs as well. With our RSS Flat Roof Classic system, you are guaranteed that safety. It is suitable for various roof types with a slope of up to 10 degrees and can be easily assembled by a single person. If the roof edge height is insufficient, a wooden board can be added to create the required toe board. This system requires only one concrete block per stanchion. 


Here you will find all documentation


Our manuals are available in many languages. It is essential that before you start to assemble our systems, you always read the manual first and strictly follow the instructions in it. Failure to follow the manual correctly can lead to serious accidents.

Frequently Asked Questions RSS Flat Roof Classic

Frequently Asked Questions
RSS Flat Roof Classic

Is this system also foldable?

Yes, this system is foldable and therefore easy to store and transport.

Can I work under this system if it is placed on the roof?

Yes, once the system is in place it can be lifted to work underneath. This saves a lot of time and energy in setting up and taking down. For your own safety, make sure you are personally attached.

How many concrete blocks do I need?

Only 1 concrete block is needed per stanchion.

Are the fences the same as the other RSS Roof flat roof systems?

Yes, the fences are the same and therefore interchangeable.

Are the concrete blocks the same as the other RSS-Roof systems?

Yes, the concrete blocks are the same and can also be used with other RSS-Roof systems.

Is a transport frame available?

No, but the uprights are easy to fold and therefore easy to transport. You can choose to use the Compact frame for the concrete blocks and fences.

Are the fences of the RSS pitched roof system suitable for this system?

Yes, the fences of the RSS sloping roof system can be used for this system.

Can I also rent this system?

This is possible at one of our rental dealers.To do this, go to the 'dealers' menu item and navigate to rental.

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