RSS Flat Roof Compact

Fall protection

RSS Flat roof compact

The Flat Roof Compact system is extra narrow, leaving more surface area for work or additional space for solar panel installation. This system consists of only three components, saving you time and energy. Since it only requires the RSS Concrete Block, it is the most user-friendly system in our range. So simple that it can even be assembled by a single person.

Application possibilities

This system is ideal for installing solar panels, but also in places where there is little space. Suitable for all flat roofs up to a slope of 10 degrees. If the roof edge height is not sufficient, a side board can be used. 


Here you will find all documentation


Our manuals are available in many languages. It is essential that before you start to assemble our systems, you always read the manual first and strictly follow the instructions in it. Failure to follow the manual correctly can lead to serious accidents.

Frequently Asked Questions
RSS Flat roof compact

Frequently Asked Questions RSS Flat Roof Compact

Why is this system called the RSS Flat Roof Compact?

Because it is an extra-narrow flat roof system with a compact stanchion, it provides additional workspace for tasks or, for example, installing an extra row of solar panels.

How wide is the RSS Flat Roof Compact system?

The Compact stanchion is only 60 cm wide, making it significantly narrower than other flat roof systems.This leaves additional workspace available on the roof.

What is the transport frame for?

To store and transport the system (up to 40 meters) from the RSS Flat Roof Compact system.

Are the fences of the RSS Pitched Roof System suitable for this system?

Yes, the fences of the RSS Pitched Roof system can be used for this system.

When should I use a side board?

When the height of the roof edge is less than 150 mm.

Are the concrete blocks the same as those used in the Roof Shelter Flat Roof and RSS Flat Roof Classic?

Yes, all RSS concrete blocks have recesses in the corners, making them suitable for any system. applicable and are also easy to stack for transport. Ask the nearest dealer to the possibilities.

How many meters are in the transport frame?

A transport frame can hold 40 meters, including all accessories, concrete blocks, stanchions, and fences.

How do I install the wooden board?

The side boards for this system are equipped with a long aluminum hook that can be easily attached to the fence.

Can I also rent this system?

This is possible at one of our rental dealers.To do this, go to the 'dealers' menu item and navigate to rental.

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